Monday, August 31, 2009

Ode to Water

This entire post has been manifested simply for the fact that I am thirsty and a little warm. When conditions such as these arise, a feeling of dryness in the throat arises. To rectify this, one drinks the magnificent compound known as H2O. Water.

Water, which is essential for life as we know it, is best served without salt or any other compounds diluted into it. Salted water will not quench a thirst, and will indeed exacerbate it. Occasionally, contaminants are unavoidable. For example, the water from our well tastes strongly of iron. This is sometimes good, sometimes bad depending on the drinker's personal preferences. City water generally contains low levels of fluoride and chlorine. These additives are also acceptable to most people. For those who like as little added to their water as possible, one can either buy filtered water, or filter their own water.

I prefer my water from a glass, but plastic is frequently used as well. Ceramic is not a preferred water receptacle. Ceramic cups are best when one sips from them, not takes swigs, swallows or gulps as one typically does when drinking water. On warm days, glasses or plastic cups should probably be set upon a water-absorbent material, such as a napkin or towel, to absorb the condensation that forms when cold water is in the glass and warm air is outside the glass. This prevents water rings and keeps the surface of the table clean.

Some people prefer water with ice cubes in the glass. Others prefer it closer to room temperature. I prefer it a few minutes out of the refrigerator, in a glass jar with no ice on a towel. And that's how I'm gonna drink it, dammit!

Yes, I'm weird. I think I'm tired and thirsty and that leads to strange posts.

Tomorrow is move in day number 1.

This is also the last day of tagging a random object. I've been doing it all month. Zasz noticed the first day, when the random object was boobs. No one else has commented on it, though. You may have noticed it. I generally don't read tags on posts, so why would anyone else?

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