Saturday, October 31, 2009


I accomplished something I don't think very many students have. I used a word in a paper which my extremely well-educated and well-read polisci professor had never heard before. Liminal, which means transitional. Even Firefox doesn't recognize liminal as a word (it's underlined in red), but it is a word!

It might be why I got an A- on my paper. *does happy dance*

I am a B+ student (many at St. Olaf are. super annoying). So an A- is a good thing. Professors consider A- and B+ to be the same grade and give B+ to show they're fighting grade inflation. But they are not the same thing! There is a .4 grade point difference between a B+ and an A-. And when one is shooting for a 3.75 GPA (which would be cool, but I'm a B+ student, so it's not going to happen), a 3.3 is devastating versus a 3.7.

I also improved my grade in Anthropology. On the first exam, I got a C. Suck. On the second, I got a B! Maybe on this next one, I'll get an A! Probably a B+. He's not the most GPA friendly prof.

On a related note, I have 4 papers due on Monday. I have finished one of them (it doesn't need to be well written, thank goodness), and have outlined and written 2 sections of another (the prof for that class is a notoriously easy grader). I think I can get it done, even though I have 20 hours this weekend set aside for preparing for, having, and recovering from our party on Halloween.

Sunday is going to be fun.

(it's funny because I say the opposite of what I mean!)

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