Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Hot Topic

I was thinking/reading about abortion today.

While I am personally pro-life, I think abortion is and should be a legal option for women who have no other options (politically pro-choice, I suppose). I don't really know anyone who thinks abortion is a good thing, but making it illegal isn't going to reduce the number of abortions. It will just cause more people to die from abortions because they are unable to do it safely.

Proportionally, more women die carrying a child to term in this country than do women who have abortions. Right now, it is a safe medical procedure. Yes, the baby's life ends, but women do not get abortions without taking this into account. The mother and the people who support her have decided that this is the only viable option. I don't think anyone has the right to tell her/them otherwise.

The best way to prevent abortion is to prevent unwanted pregnancy. To me, this is a no-brainer. I think abstinence-only sex education is stupid. It doesn't work in prevent pregnancy or STDs. Yes, abstinence works 100% of the time, but far from 100% of people are abstinence. Comprehensive sex education is a life-long education. Abstinence works until you decide to stop being abstinent. Say you get married, but don't want to have kids right away, or want to know how to have sex in the first place!

They should have basic sex-ed in high school, and then have optional sex ed II either as an elective in school or as a community education course. People should learn how to have sex safely, make dental dams out of condoms (or even know what a dental dam is), what kind of lube to use for what activity, etc.

Just my two cents, anyway. Feel free to disagree.

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