Saturday, December 5, 2009

On the Elite Track

Today, my anthro prof made the startling announcement that we, by virtue of being students at St. Olaf, are on the elite track. As in, we will one day be those 'elites' one reads/hears about in social science, the people who generally control everything that happens in the country (and since this is the US, what we do one day affects the world, provided the US doesn't completely collapse and the world becomes destabilized).

This is so cool!

I mean, I guess he's right. We're upper middle class, Nordic (aka white), Lutherans (or at least that's the image of the college, and since we are Oles, we are the college). This gives us immediate advantage here in the US. We're college educated. Another advantage. We have liberal arts degrees from a prestigious private college, so we're (in theory) well-rounded and extremely hire-able (unless we want to work as a plumber or electrician or masseuse). We have learned all of our civic skills necessary to participate in the public/political spheres.

This is doing nothing to deflate my growing ego. I have had the biggest head lately. I am, on one hand, completely annoyed with myself. It's irritating to be around people who think they're the greatest, and to have to put up with me all the time is really annoying.

On the other hand, I deserve to have an ego. I work my ass off. I do good work. I am ambitious, driven and realistic. Why can't I stoke my own ego?

Ah well. I'll see what happens. At least I know my limitations, so I'm not deluding myself.

I love stress. As the stress level rises, so does my confidence. I'm glad this happens. I'm not sure where it comes from, but it's a good combination to have.

Maybe my ego is swollen because it's nearing finals.

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