Friday, February 5, 2010

Native American

Today was my cousins 7th birthday. Mom gave him some art supplies and a book with letters instead of words. It has sentences like "C D B?" (See the bee?) and "U 8 L D X!" (You ate all the eggs!). Well, my 7 year old cousin promptly tossed it aside to play with his new legos, but his older brother (age 13, I think) picked it up and tried to read it. He didn't really get it. Cue teasing. Then another cousin, who is 8 or 9, picked it up and got it pretty quick. On the page that read "I M N N-D-N" she said "I am a Native American."

Aw... cute PC cousin!


One more thing! Golden retrievers are cute.

One more thing! Live mouse traps are nicer all around than death-inducing mouse traps.

One more thing! I miss Jackie Chan Adventures.

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