It's on risers, and I even tried fanning it by hand the whole 40 minutes it was resetting to factor defaults. It passed out from the heat 8 minutes in. I wish I could afford another computer now. Unfortunately, I'll have to wait until mid-June at least before I can afford another computer. However, my next computer will be a fancy desktop instead of a middle of the road, outdated giant laptop. If I want to sit on the couch and fiddle online, I can do that with my netbook.
In other news, in the next 2.5 weeks, I have to write a 25 page research paper, a 15 page research paper, a 5-7 page stupid paper, give 2 presentations on my research and take 3 exams, 2 of which are in-class essays. In addition, I am organizing a team for the MN AIDS Walk, and helping organize a banquet, and securing a job for the summer, and working my usual 12 hours/week.
Time to check back in, Catey.
In other news, registration for next semester is done, and I kind of have the same classes. This semester, I'm taking a religion course, a Polisci seminar, a Soc/Anth research methods course, and an econ course. Next semester, all of that is true as well. They're even in the same rooms, except one is next door. It's a little weird.
I won't let everything get me down! Nothin's gonna keep me down!
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