Saturday, May 28, 2011


I graduate in 15 hours. I think that's pretty nifty. All the more so that I am finally getting to do one of the big life steps before my older brother (who decided to join the military and be a hero/awesome guy instead, and is graduating only 1 year after me.... but that's beside the point!). It's strange to think that after four long/short years, and another 13 years in public school before this, I finally am finished with formal education (unless, of course, I decide to go to graduate school).

I get to wear a cool teal honor cord for Sociology/Anthropology, too. I mean, I'm sure there will be a lot of people with cords, and even the same cord as me, but I didn't think I'd get one, so I'm pleased. I also got a women's studies pin, but all senior majors did (all the same, that's like 7 of us out of 696 so it's still pretty cool).

I'm mostly glad to be leaving. I feel like St. Olaf wants me to enjoy St. Olaf they way they want me to. The things I am supposed to appreciate are not the things I actually appreciate. Not a huge fan of the choir, or God, or being Norwegian, or the extensive legacy my family has at St. Olaf (none of which apply to me...), like a good little Ole should.

Instead, I appreciate the people who work in the caf, who all signed cards for the supervisors. I appreciate the beauty of campus, despite the artificial landscaping that happens right before people with money come to campus. I appreciate the professors who actually know the students. I appreciate the activism at St. Olaf, whether that's volunteerism or student organizations, especially when it's not handed to them on a platter by SGA or the church. I appreciate the diversity at St. Olaf, especially the student body, because it seems that once we graduate, only the white, straight Lutheran Norwegians with money get asked to come back and be a part of the campus life. Maybe that will change with increasing diversity of the students, but it still pisses me off now.

Overall, I love Olaf. I love the Olaf I know, not the Olaf they want to present to alumni. I really don't like that Olaf. It's not the Olaf I have seen or experienced.

But, graduation! Yay!

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