Friday, January 7, 2011

Update on Thailand

Oh hey everyone. Forgot to mention, I am going to Thailand! Actually, I'm already here! Hoorah!

In any case, internet is few and far between. I'm going to try to update this once a week from my laptop and not the internet cafe computer, where I am now. 20baht for an hour! (about 60 cents).

Revelation of the day: Chiang Mai University students pay 5000 baht per semester (about $170). St. Olaf students pay 1,350,000 baht per year. Average monthly income in Thailand is about 3000 baht ($100). So far the most I've paid for a meal is 100 baht (a little over $3). I am so wealthy here, it's ridiculous.

Anyway, I'll get some posts prepared, and put them up soon. Tomorrow, we're going to the Golden Triangle, where the borders of Thailand, Laos and Burma meet. We're actually going into Laos for a bit. Not Burma though, even though it's only a footbridge across a river to get there. Probs not a good idea...

Ok, have fun!

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