Thursday, September 10, 2009

It's my birthday!

Today I turned 21. : )

It was a pretty uneventful day, aside from the plethora of facebook notifications and random well-wishes via phone, text and hallway run-ins. It was the co-curricular fair today (the day people can walk around and sign up for organizations), and I'm a leader in three organizations, so I was pretty busy.

I chilled at the apartment til 12:30, when I went and made buttons for a few hours. Cute gay buttons that say "I can't even think straight!" "Closets are for clothes. Really fabulous clothes." and "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" We made probably 250 buttons.

Then I tabled for the Gender and Sexuality Center for the most of the time, but I tabled GLOW! for the last half hour. I also stopped by the newly created SANRA (Society of Atheists, NonReligious and Agnostics), of which I am VP. We made it last night via email. : ) Hopefully it lasts longer than Atheist and Agnostic Society (AAS), which died pretty much when it was born two years ago.

Then my friends and I went to Hogan Bros and got my free hoagie and soda. I gave the soda to Katie and bought a beer. It was gross, but it's my 21st birthday and Hogan Bros serves beer. Then we walked around The Defeat of Jesse James Days and played games and ate fair food.

Now I'm gonna finish homework and watch ANTM. : )

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