Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Cookie Day!

Today, I baked. A lot!

I started baking at 1, and finished around 8 (I took 20 minutes to eat while the swedish toast was baking, but other than that it was nonstop).

I made a dozen pinwheels (the chocolate vanilla swirly cookies, not the tarts), 3 dozen double chocolate chip cookies/bars, 79 peanut blossoms (with the kiss in the middle), about a dozen attempted peanut butter bars (they did not come out looking like peanut butter bars, so I decided to try and save it by baking them then cooling them for a few hours. They came out more like fudgey bars, and taste amazing!), three dozen molasses cookies and an indeterminate amount of Swedish toast (a little over a third of them split in half, so there are only 3 dozen whole ones left).

That's over 16 dozen cookies. My feet hurt.

I was also going to make russian tea cakes and rosettes, but rosettes are so labor-intensive (dipping irons in batter, then in oil, then finagling them off the irons and onto paper towels to dry and then with powdered sugar, over and over and over again. it's really a two person job.), and I ran out of powdered sugar for the tea cakes. Maybe some other time, I guess.

I'm bringing about half of the cookies to my Dad's for Christmas Eve, and some more to my brother's girlfriend's parent's/neighbor's house for Boxing Day and whatever is left uneaten is going to my grandparents on New Years.

I have only eaten one of them so far (I put too much labor into them to be able to enjoy them at the moment. that and a lot of them have nuts so I can't eat them yet), but my mom the taste tester said they taste great!

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