Tuesday, July 28, 2009

2,000 Calories

Today, I ate poorly.

I skipped breakfast. For lunch I had 2 falafel pitas, with 2 cups of tea.
At around 3, I had 5 jumbo cinnamon rolls.
And about 10 cups of tea.
That's it.
6 hours later, and I still can't think about eating.

I think I went over 2,000 calories though, considering how little I ate. Just really unhealthy calories. The pita bread wasn't even wheat.

This is the first time since May where I've overeaten an unhealthy food, such as cinnamon rolls. Thus, I will excuse myself (hell, I excused myself before I even opened the tube!) But tomorrow will by a raw food day, dammit! Beans and fruit and veggies. Back to basics. The stuff that doesn't make me feel like crap and gives me energy.

Brother and I were discussing my poor diet of the day, which led to the discovery that 2,000 calories, for him, Mr. Exercise, is a really strict diet. It's OK for me though as I am a "sedate female."

Irritating, but true. I am sedate. Ah willpower, why am I not using you?

PS: The cinnamon rolls were totally worth it, though.

1 comment:

  1. isn't 2000 like the target? like you should at least be getting that? I watched a show on discovery channel or something like that. It was part of that "amazing body" kind of series thing and it was about starving. And that it's actually extremely healthy to just barely starve yourself. Like eating a 1600 calorie diet
